7 Bad Habits That Harm Your Vision
Some eye conditions are hereditary, but many are a result of poor vision care and bad habits. You may be surprised to find that things you do each and every day might actually be damaging your eye sight.
Read MoreSome eye conditions are hereditary, but many are a result of poor vision care and bad habits. You may be surprised to find that things you do each and every day might actually be damaging your eye sight.
Read More20/20 vision a term used to describe normal visual acuity — the sharpness of a person’s vision — measured at a distance of 20 feet. If a person has 20/20 vision it means that they can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at a distance. If someone has 20/100 vision it […]
Read MoreMarch 20th marks the first official day of spring — a day that many of us look forward to throughout the long winter months, but with spring’s beautiful weather and blooming flowers comes seasonal allergies. High levels of pollen, dust and other irritants can leave eyes feeling less than stellar. Approximately one fifth of all […]
Read MoreOver 2,000 eye injuries occur each day on job sites across the U.S. and one in ten of those injuries required missed days of works to recover. Of the total amount of work-related eye injuries that occur, 10 to 20 percent will cause temporary or permanent vision loss. While many think that eye injuries only […]
Read MoreThe month of February is Low Vision Awareness Month. What exactly is low vision? Low vision describes significant visual impairment that isn’t correctable through glasses, medication, eye surgery or contact lenses. It’s often characterized by partial sight such as blind spots, tunnel vision or blurred vision. The most common causes of low vision in the […]
Read MoreMany of us use computers for many, if not all, of our work-related tasks. Constantly staring at a computer screen can cause eyestrain, which has become a major problem for many. Studies show that eyestrain occurs in 50 to 90 percent of those who use a computer for work.
Read MoreYou might think that because your vision is fine that your eyes are healthy, but visiting Chesen Laser Eye Center for a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the only way to be absolutely certain. During your visit both of your eyes will be closely examined for any signs of vision problems and eye diseases. The […]
Read MoreHappy New Year to all of you! With the start of 2015 comes resolutions to be the best that we can be in the New Year. Many of us make goals related to health or exercise — losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions, but one part of our body that […]
Read MoreEven though it is a very natural reaction to rub your eyes when they’re feeling itchy, watery or otherwise irritated, it is important to keep your hands away from your eyes. Rubbing them can lead to eye injuries, infections or even damaged vision.
Read MoreOne of the most common side effects of getting older is the loss of near perfect vision. All of a sudden you find yourself having to squint to see certain things, causing stress, eye strain and an overall feeling of annoyance. This decline in close-up vision is caused by a condition known as presbyopia, which […]
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